Vårt sortiment
Om Khmer
- +4670 334 10 37
- Info@bestpepper.se
- Mån - Fre 08:00 - 17:00
- Huljen 224, 864 96 Stöde, Sverige
bestpepper.se Ingår i Huljen Invest AB med org.nr 559397-4172 – och momsreg. nr.: SE559397417201(Sverige)
Hos Huljen Invest AB med org.nr 559397-4172 – och momsreg. nr.: SE559397417201(Sverige) vet vi hur viktigt det är med kort leveranstid.
Därför lovar vi att skicka din beställning inom två arbetsdagar. Så snart beställningen är bekräftad kommer kunden att få ett bekräftelsemeddelande via e-post med faktura och uppgifter om beställningar med spårningsnummer.
Kunderna kan nu spåra paketet. En kopia av spårningsnumret kommer också att skickas till mobilen som ett SMS. Därför rekommenderar vi att kunderna alltid uppger sina mobilnummer när de handlar från bestpepper.se webbbutik. Då kommer kunden att ha möjlighet att spåra detta paket tills det når leveransadressen. Vi använder svenska posttjänster inom Sverige och DHL utanför för adress utanför Sverige för att leverera våra varor.
När detta paket anländer till närmaste uthämtningsställe får kunden ett sms med information om förpackningen och adressen där kunden kan hämta det. Vi brukar försöka svara på meddelandet inom en timme. Men under hektiska timmar eller helger kan det ta upp till 10 timmar. Kunder är alltid välkomna att besöka butiken om de vill träffa någon fysiskt ansvarig.
Besök vår butik med adress Huljen 224, 86496 STÖDE
Alla priser bestäms av bestpepper.se. Ett bindande avtal mellan dig (Ålder måste vara över 18 år) som kund och bestpepper.se:s butik. När kunden lägger en beställning måste beställningen godkännas av bestpepper.se. bestpepper.se skickar dig en bekräftelse via e-post när en beställning har tagits emot, och leveransen är på väg. Kunden kan endast köpa produkter från bestpepper.se webbutik som privatperson (Ålder måste vara över 18 år). Inte en företagskund.
Priser och betalning
Alla priser är inklusive moms och övriga utgifter. Den aktuella skattesatsen skrivs i bestpepper.se webbutik för produkten. bestpepper.se har möjligheter att ändra priser och andra kostnader, till exempel på grund av förändringar i skattesatsen och merkostnader, ökade kostnader, eller till följd av mediankundprisutveckling baserad i Sverige.
Alla priser för produkterna inkluderar 12% moms. I kassan kan kunden se hur mycket de betalar, inklusive moms och exklusiva moms. Oavsett om kunden handlar utanför Sverige, men som kund måste du betala 12 % för moms. Om vi inte kan leverera inom avtalad tid kommer kunden omedelbart att informeras om orsaken till förseningen och informationen om den nya leveranstiden. Konsumenten har då rätt att häva köpet utan kostnad om varan inte levereras i tid.
I Sverige erbjuder vi alltid att hämta från butiksalternativet.
Alla köp över 400SEK/35EURO/350DKK från hemsidan levereras alltid utan kostnad. Kunder kan också betala för leveransen om köpesumman är under 400SEK/35EUR/350DKK. bestpepper.se säljer endast produkter till kunder från Sverige och länder inom EU. Om någon lägger beställningar utanför dessa länder kommer beställningen att annulleras automatiskt.
Även om kunder från andra än dessa länder ser beställningar och betalar för produkten, kommer beställningen att annulleras och pengarna återbetalas. Eftersom vi inte har något leveransavtal utanför dessa länder just nu, försöker vi sälja våra produkter utanför dessa länder. Den svenska posttjänsten PostNord eller DHL levererar alla produkter. Postnord och DHL tar vanligtvis två arbetsdagar på sig att leverera produkten i Sverige och fyra arbetsdagar att leverera i övriga länder inom EU.
Denna tid beräknas efter de villkor Postnord och DHL har angivit, men om det inträffar naturkatastrofer eller andra politiska problem eller någon tullfråga kan det ta längre tid än den vanliga beräknade tiden. I detta fall kommer bestpepper.se att meddela kunden via e-post med fullständig information om förseningen. Så snart kunder beställer, skickas ett bekräftelsemail omedelbart.
När produkten är registrerad för leverans skickas aviserings- och leveransinformation via e-post. Kunden kan kontakta bestpepper.se:s kundtjänst via e-post för att få status på sina köp. I detta fall måste kunden ange det unika ordernumret. Vi ber alltid våra kunder att fylla i adressformuläret korrekt så att vi kan leverera varorna i tid.
Kunden måste meddela oss om att hen vill åberopa ångerrätten inom 14 dagar från det datum kunden mottog varan.
Kunden har alltid rätt att returnera produkten. Även om produkten är öppen från förpackningen. Men vi ber ändå kunden att inte använda produkten om produkten är felaktig eller om kunden inte går med på att ta emot produkten. Kunden kan alltid returnera produkten inom fjorton dagar från de dagar kunden meddelat oss att utnyttja rätten att få full återbetalning, men om produkten inte returneras i tid eller produkten är trasig, använd eller tvättad kan bestpepper.se dra av på återbetalningen, ett så kallat värdeminskningsavdrag på upp till 100 % av varans värde. Det beror helt på produktens skick; när det tas emot av bestpepper.se från kunden.
bestpepper.se betalar inte för returfrakt om inte produkten är felaktig från början. bestpepper.se tillåter inte retur om produkten är tvättad. Om produkten är defekt eller kartongen är trasig rekommenderar vi att du inte använder produkten, vi rekommenderar även kunden att returnera produkten omgående och informera bestpepper.se för fri returfrakt.
Retur av produkten är acceptabel när kunden inte längre kan använda produkten eller inte vill använda produkten, eller produkten inte liknar när den köptes, eller produkten inte är identisk med den som beskrivs på bestpepper.se hemsida. Det kan vara storleken på produkten eller färgen på produkten. Kunden ska ange ordernummer, fullständigt namn vid retur. Kunden måste, efter att ha meddelat oss och inom 14 dagar från mottagandet, returnera den ångrade produkten till oss.
Konsumentverkets ångerblankett. https://publikationer.konsumentverket.se/kontrakt-och-mallar/angerblankett
För att returnera produkten måste kunden registrera returen för bestpepper.se inom 14 dagar från det datum varan har mottagits av kunden. Så snart bestpepper.se får anmälan om en produkts ankomst kommer bestpepper.se att ordna återbetalning av pengar inom 14 dagar. Återbetalningen av betalningen sker på samma sätt som kunden gjorde betalningen när kunden köpte varan. På bestpepper.se använder vi Klarna som vår betalningsmetod. Så om kunden tar några extra förmåner från Klarna ansvarar inte bestpepper.se för det.
bestpepper.se återbetalar endast de pengar som betalats för produkten och leveranskostnaden. Om det finns några andra avgifter som kunden betalar under betalningsperioden som hör till produktköpet och som betalas till bestpepper.se (inte till 3:e part), kommer bestpepper.se även att återbetala avgifterna. Men om avgifterna inte är kopplade till bestpepper.se ansvarar bestpepper.se inte för återbetalningen av dessa avgifter. Men bestpepper.se ersätter alltid produktkostnaden, fraktkostnaden och eventuella utlägg. Om produkterna är felaktiga från början står bestpepper.se för returfrakten. Kunder kan ge mer detaljerad information om att rapportera den defekta produkten. Kunder behöver alltid maila och skriva beställningsinformationen mer detaljerat om de vill returnera någon produkt.
Klagomål och säljarens garanti
Om varan är defekt tillämpar bestpepper.se gällande konsumentlagstiftning. Om kunderna inte är nöjda med dina produkter på grund av synliga material- eller tillverkningsfel, inklusive skador som har uppstått under transporten – vänligen meddela oss så snart som möjligt genom att använda det förtryckta returformuläret och returnera varan till oss. Kunden har tre års rätt till reklamation för originalfel. Kunden ska anmäla felet till oss inom skälig tid, vilket alltid är två månader från det att felet upptäcktes eller borde ha upptäckts.
bestpepper.se lämnar alltid en försäljningsgaranti till sina kunder. Denna garanti täcker den defekta produkten från början av produktskada under transporten, eller så är produktmaterialet inte tillfredsställande. När det gäller produktgarantin kan kunden ta upp till två månader att göra anspråk på produkten. I detta fall kommer bestpepper.se att ersätta både produktkostnad och fraktkostnad. Om någon retur av produkten behövs betalar bestpepper.se alltid för returen.
För att avbryta beställningen
Innan tidsfristen för returperioden går ut behöver kunderna skicka tillbaka varorna till bestpepper.se. För säkerhets skull bör kunden spara inköpskvittot från posten eller liknande, som hänvisar till försändelsen. Du måste ange om du vill ha samma produkt eller återbetalning av dina pengar. Om du väljer en återbetalning får du inte tillbaka fraktkostnaderna. När bestpepper.se ersätter produkten, skickas motsvarande produkter inom tre arbetsdagar. Om produkten inte finns i lager, då kommer dina pengar att återbetalas.
Vänligen returnera varorna till:
Huljen Invest AB
Huljen 224
86496 STÖDE
Email: info@bestpepper.se
bestpepper.se har åtagit sig att skydda din integritet när du använder våra tjänster. Vi har därför tagit fram en policy för hantering av att dina personuppgifter förblir skyddade. Var dock medveten om att innehållet kan ändras, så du uppmanas att läsa det när du besöker vår webbplats nästa gång.
Kort- och fakturaköp med Klarna
In order to make as safe a short purchase as possible with us, all information is encrypted with SSL (Secure Socket Layer). This means that the information is via a secure connection, regarding your credit information, and cannot be read by third parties. All your card purchases will be processed by Klarna. All card transactions are based on the banks’ 3D security technology and 128-bit encryption. The interface development environment and support technology is Microsoft. NET.
Klarna Services Terms
These terms apply between Klarna Bank AB (publ) (“Klarna”) and you when you use Klarna’s services and features as described in these terms (the “Services”). You sign up for the Services by accepting these terms.
For Klarna, shopping is not just about finding great stuff and paying for them – it is also about enjoying a great shopping experience at the store of your preference, a state of the art app, and many other things. Simply put, a smoooth user experience both before you have done your purchases and after you have done a purchase. These terms explain in more detail what this means. Please note that additional terms may apply to a specific payment method if you choose to make your payment by using one of the methods offered by Klarna.
In order for you to have a smoooth and friction free shopping experience we will remember some information about you and use that information to autofill different forms with your information during your shopping. This will enable you to save time and focus on more important stuff than filling out the same information over and over again. Let us explain in more detail how this works.
Autofill of your contact information
We can help you to fill in your contact information in two ways.
Autofill through input of limited information
While interacting with Klarna we may ask for information about you, such as name, address, telephone number, email, date of birth, or personal identification number. We will keep this information in our systems so that when you return to us or use our payment methods, you will only need to provide some of this information such as email and zip-code, or personal identification number (dependent on the country) in order for us to autofill the remaining fields with your other details.
Autofill through a Klarna cookie
An additional method we can use to autofill your information is by placing a Klarna-cookie on your device (computer, tablet, mobile phone, etc.). You may choose to store your details such as name, address, telephone number, email, date of birth, or personal identification number, and card details with Klarna. If you do so, we use the cookie to fetch those details from Klarna’s storage, and the cookie will help us to autofill them when you shop with Klarna.
By accepting these terms you give Klarna a consent to store this cookie on your device. For more information on our use of cookies see our Cookie Statement.
Disable autofill
If you don’t want to use the Autofill functionalities you can contact us and we will disable them. You can also disable them from the Klarna App or by adjusting your autofill settings during the purchase process. You can at any given time delete all cookies on your device, which deletes our cookie as well.
Autofill of other information
While interacting with Klarna you may also provide us with other information, such as for example card details. You may choose us to keep this information in our systems so that when you return to us we may autofill such information after we have identified you.
When you shop directly from the Klarna App we can also autofill your details on the site where you are shopping. This is enabled by you being logged in to the app and we know it is you that are shopping.
Preselected preferred payment methods
In order to make your shopping experience even smooother Klarna can, based on your previous purchases, pre-select the payment method that we believe to be your preferred way of paying. You may however also have access to other payment methods should you prefer to switch to another method than the one we pre-selected for you.
The Klarna App, provided to you by way of an app or a web portal is your hub for all your Klarna purchases and all other great features Klarna offers. By using the Klarna App you can pay your purchases, track your packages and many more things. Some of these features are activated by downloading the app or logging in through the web portal, while others can be activated by you after login. The exact content of features can differ between different country versions of the Klarna App. Klarna updates the Klarna App continuously with new features. To mention a few of the features we are most proud of:
Features available in all countries:
Example of other features we may offer depending on country version:
The size assistant provides an estimated size based on your input. The size assistant does not warrant that the estimated size will fit or be correct. You always decide which size to order.
As a Klarna App user you may, at your own discretion, upload, publish and share your content, such as collections, images and nickname. You acknowledge that by sharing content you make it publically available, which means that information about you becomes available to others, and may be used and shared further by other individuals.
You may only upload, publish or share content which you have the right to use for these purposes, and which do not violate law, this Agreement or third party rights. Klarna reserves the right, without obligation, to monitor, review, adjust, inactivate or remove content, without notifying you or a third party.
You are solely responsible for your upload, publication and sharing of content, and agree to indemnify and hold Klarna harmless from damages, loss or costs incurred by your upload, publication or sharing of content, including in connection to third party claims against Klarna.
We save information about your purchases and transactions in the Klarna App. As a part of the Services provided under these terms, Klarna enables you to see information about your purchases and transactions in the Klarna App. The Klarna App is the only place where we display your previous purchases and transactions.
If you want to learn more about how Klarna uses this information, and other information we have about you, please see our Privacy Notice.
Klarna may provide you with offers and benefits such as discounts, special events, pre-access to products, sales promotions, merchant offers, sampling and giveaways. What offers and benefits you receive will be based on your previous actions such as number of purchases, purchase amounts, or usage of Klarna Services.
Are there any costs for the Services?
The Services are free of charge. Please note that interest and fees may apply to the use of a specific payment method. So make sure you check the specific information for the payment method that you use.
Improvement of the Services
We constantly work to improve our Services in order for you to get an even smooother user experience. This may require changes to these terms. In this case, you will be asked to accept the new terms before you can continue to use the Services.
Privacy and your personal data
To the extent you cause our processing of information, e.g. by uploading, publishing or sharing data in the Klarna App, about you indicating political or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, data concerning health or sex life, etc. (so-called special categories of personal data, in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679 (the “GDPR”)), you give your explicit consent to us processing that data to perform our Services.
Please see our Privacy Notice for further details regarding our processing of your personal information and more information about your rights regarding your data. You can also find our contact details should you have any questions.
Cookies and similar tracking technologies
For parts of the Services we use cookies and similar technologies to deliver a tailored and smoooth online experience. For detailed information about how Klarna uses cookies and similar technologies, please read our Cookie Statement.
Your obligations
You shall always provide correct information and use your own and correct identity. Any use of information that does not belong to you or that you for other reasons are not authorised to use, or the use of the Services in a non-prescribed way, will be seen as a misuse. Any data relating to misuse or suspected misuse may be saved and used for future risk assessment and for the protection of involved parties. Klarna reserves the right to block the Services from further usage.
If you upload, import or share content to Klarna, like images, texts, receipts, information on goods, service or deliveries, or other content, you grant Klarna a royalty-free right to use and display the content for purposes of delivering the Services. We have the right to remove any content uploaded or shared by you if we are required by law, or believe it is offensive, inappropriate, unlawful, violating the rights of others, or otherwise objectionable. You are liable for any content uploaded or shared by you. You acknowledge and agree that if you upload, import or share content that violates, or Klarna may reasonably assume to violate, law or your agreement with Klarna, we may terminate or deactivate your use of the Klarna App.
Third party services
Some features used by you, for example parcel tracking, may include services provided by a third party.
Your use of Google Maps in the Klarna App is subject to the then-current Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms of Service at https://maps.google.com/help/terms_maps.html and Google Privacy Policy at https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/.
To prevent abuse of the Klarna’s App via web portal, Klarna may use reCAPTCHA, making you subject to Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms.
Duration and termination of this agreement
This agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time. It applies until it is terminated by you or us and can be terminated at any time.
Klarna Bank AB (publ), Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm, telephone: +46 8 120 120 00, fax: +46 8 120 120 99, e-mail: service@klarna.co.uk, is a Swedish bank registered at the Swedish companies register under registration number 556737-0431. The Managing Director is Sebastian Siemiatkowski. Klarna Bank AB (publ) is authorised to provide financial services by Finansinspektionen (the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority). Klarna’s registration with the Swedish financial supervisory authority as well as a list of countries to which Klarna’s services have been passported to can be found on Finansinspektionen’s website.
For complaints, the information provided on www.klarna.com applies. If you have a complaint towards Klarna, you can submit your complaint through the Klarna’s website or via postal mail with the keyword “Complaint” to Klarna’s address.
If we are unable to resolve your complaint, you may refer your complaint to the Swedish National Board for Consumer Disputes (ARN). Klarna will participate in such proceedings and is obliged to do so under applicable law. More information can be found on ARN’s website: http://www.arn.se. You can submit your complaint in any official language of the European Union through the ODR-platform provided by the European Commission:https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. The complaint will then be forwarded to ARN. You may also contact ARN in Swedish by postal mail or personally: Allmänna reklamationsnämnden, Postbox 174, 101 23 Stockholm, Sweden, Visitor Address: Kungsholmstorg 5, Stockholm.
Klarna’s Privacy Notice
We at Klarna care about your privacy. Therefore, we always collect and process your personal data responsibly and with your privacy in mind. This Privacy Notice describes how Klarna Bank AB (publ) (“Klarna”) collects and uses your personal data when you use any of Klarna’s services (the “Services”) and become a customer of ours. Examples of use of our Services are when you pay with any of our payment methods, when you contact us, when you use the Klarna web portal and mobile application (the “Klarna App”), or when your information is autofilled in a store’s checkout. This Privacy Notice also describes your rights in relation to our use of your personal data, and how to exercise those rights.
This Privacy Notice applies, except for what is stated in Section 1 below, to all personal data that Klarna processes. It is therefore important that you read and understand this Privacy Notice.
“We”, “our” or “us” means Klarna Bank AB (publ) registered with the Swedish companies register under the registration number 556737-0431 and with our main office located at Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm, Sweden. For the purposes of EU data protection law, we are a data controller in respect of the personal data we receive from you, or otherwise collect about you, and we are responsible for ensuring that we use your personal data in compliance with applicable data protection laws.
The services Klarna Ident and Klarna Open Banking use your personal data in accordance with what is stated in those services’ separate privacy notices, which are presented to you when you use those services. Those separate notices apply instead of the information given here. Separate privacy notices may also apply for specific campaigns or offers which are temporarily available. If so, such separate privacy notices are presented in connection with the campaign or offer.
If you are employed by Klarna, a candidate applying for a job at Klarna, or an employee of a store that cooperates with Klarna, other privacy notices apply to Klarna’s processing of your personal data for these purposes, and you will be provided the relevant information in connection to your contact with Klarna. Contact us using the information in Section 13 below if you want a copy of the relevant privacy notice.
2.1 Information you give us
You may give us information about yourself when you use one of Klarna’s Services, for example when you choose to pay with one of Klarna’s payment methods, contact us, or use the Klarna App. Please note that you are only allowed to provide your own personal data when using the Services, for the Services to be provided correctly.
Depending on which Service you choose to use, this personal data will be:
You can at any time change your profile information such as your contact information and other editable settings. This can be done either in the Klarna App or by contacting us.
2.2 Information we collect about you
Depending on which Services you choose to use, we may collect the following information about you, either ourselves or via third parties (for example credit and fraud prevention agencies, stores, or public databases):
Depending on which Services you use, Klarna may process your personal data for the purposes listed below, based on the legal bases stated for each respective purpose. You can find more specific information about how we process your data in some of our Services in Section 4 below.
Processing in order to provide the Services
Purpose of the processing |
Personal data |
Legal basis for the processing |
Administer the customer relationship with you in different ways, for example to process your payment or carry out our obligations arising from credit contracts entered into between you and us.
Contact- and identification information, payment information, information on goods/services, financial information, information about the interaction between you and Klarna, information about the interaction between you and stores, device information, and service-specific information. |
Fulfil contractual obligations. |
Create and send information to you in electronic format (non-marketing). |
Contact- and identification information, payment information, information on goods/services, financial information, information about the interaction between you and Klarna, information about the interaction between you and stores, device information, and service-specific information. |
Fulfil contractual obligations. |
Assess which is the most suitable way to contact you to inform you about outstanding debts. |
Contact- and identification information, financial information (if we have this available) and information about the interaction between you and Klarna. |
Klarna has a legitimate interest in being able to contact you in the most effective way.
We ensure that the processing performed for this purpose is necessary for fulfilling our legitimate interest, and that our interest outweighs your interest in not having your personal data processed for this purpose. |
Conduct customer satisfaction surveys regarding our Services (for example after you have contacted Klarna’s customer service) via email, sms, phone, or through other means.
You can object to this at any time. You will also be informed about your right to opt-out from these communications every time your email or phone number is used for this purpose. |
Contact- and identification information, information on goods/services, information about the interaction between you and Klarna, and information about the interaction between you and stores. |
Klarna has a legitimate interest in conducting customer satisfaction surveys.
We ensure that the processing performed for this purpose is necessary for fulfilling our legitimate interest, and that our interest outweighs your interest in not having your personal data processed for this purpose.
Carry out credit- and fraud assessments for the purpose of assessing which payment methods to offer you, based on information available internally within Klarna. |
Contact- and identification information, information on goods/services, financial information (if already internally available), information about the interaction between you and Klarna, and information about the interaction between you and stores, as well as device information. |
Klarna has a legitimate interest in carrying out credit- and fraud assessments for the purpose of assessing which payment methods to offer you.
We ensure that the processing performed for this purpose is necessary for fulfilling our legitimate interest, and that our interest outweighs your interest in not having your personal data processed for this purpose. |
Carry out credit assessment before granting credit (Please see Section 4.1 on Klarna’s credit Services and Section 7.4 regarding how we cooperate with credit reference agencies). |
Contact- and identification information, financial information and information about the interaction between you and Klarna. |
Comply with laws, when the credit we provide is regulated by law. In cases when the credit is not regulated by law, the processing is done to fulfil contractual obligations. |
Prevent IT attacks (for example DDoS attacks) toward Klarna’s Services, as part of our efforts to keep our Services safe and secure. |
Contact- and identification information, information about the interaction between you and Klarna, information about the interaction between you and stores, as well as device information. |
Klarna has a legitimate interest in keeping our Services safe and secure.
We ensure that the processing performed for this purpose is necessary for fulfilling our legitimate interest, and that our interest outweighs your interest in not having your personal data processed for this purpose. |
To be able to treat you as a vulnerable customer (if you due to personal circumstances are in a vulnerable position). |
Contact- and identification information, information about the interaction between you and Klarna, and special categories of personal data. |
Based on your consent. |
Improve our Services, training and quality assurance, as well as documenting what has been discussed and decided between you and Klarna’s customer service. |
Recorded telephone conversations. |
Klarna has a legitimate interest in improving our Services, and in conducting training and quality assurance.
We ensure that the processing performed for this purpose is necessary for fulfilling our legitimate interest, and that our interest outweighs your interest in not having your personal data processed for this purpose.
Transfer your data to stores, suppliers and other recipients. (Please see Section 7 for more information on how we share your data and why). |
All of the personal data categories under Section 2. |
Varies depending on recipients, see more in Section 7. For example, Klarna has a legitimate interest to use suppliers to provide its Services, and we may have legal obligations to share data with authorities. Data sharing with payment service providers are necessary to carry out the payment contract with you. |
Carry out risk analysis, fraud prevention and risk management (for example through verifying your identity, and carry out checks with fraud prevention agencies and similar agencies).
Please see Section 7 for a more detailed description of the fraud prevention companies we cooperate with. |
Contact- and identification information, payment information, information on goods/services, financial information, information about the interaction between you and Klarna, information about the interaction between you and stores, and device information. |
Klarna and other parties (foremost our customers) have a legitimate interest in risk management of Klarna’s business, for example handling fraud risks.
We ensure that the processing performed for this purpose is necessary for fulfilling our legitimate interest, and that our interest outweighs your interest in not having your personal data processed for this purpose.
Klarna also has legal obligations to establish its customers’ identities. |
Perform debt collection services, i.e. to collect and sell debt. |
Contact- and identification information, information on goods/services, financial information, information about the interaction between you and Klarna and information about the interaction between you and the stores. |
Klarna has a legitimate interest in collecting and selling debt.
We ensure that the processing performed for this purpose is necessary for fulfilling our legitimate interest, and that our interest outweighs your interest in not having your personal data processed for this purpose. |
Product improvement and research
Anonymise your personal data for product development in order to analyse customer behaviour. |
Contact- and identification information, payment information, information on goods/services, financial information, information about the interaction between you and Klarna, information about the interaction between you and stores, device information, and service-specific information. |
Klarna has a legitimate interest in anonymising your personal data for product development in order to analyse customer behaviour.
We ensure that the processing performed for this purpose is necessary for fulfilling our legitimate interest, and that our interest outweighs your interest in not having your personal data processed for this purpose.
Perform data analysis for product improvement and product testing (for example to improve risk- and fraud models). |
Contact- and identification information, payment information, information on goods/services, financial information, information about the interaction between you and Klarna, information about the interaction between you and stores, device information, information from external sanction lists and PEP lists, and service-specific information. |
Klarna has a legitimate interest in performing data analysis for product improvement and product testing.
We ensure that the processing performed for this purpose is necessary for fulfilling our legitimate interest, and that our interest outweighs your interest in not having your personal data processed for this purpose.
Enable internal research and creation of statistical models. |
Contact- and identification information, payment information, information on goods/services, financial information, information about the interaction between you and Klarna, information about the interaction between you and stores, device information, and service-specific information. |
Klarna has a legitimate interest in enabling internal research and to create statistical models.
We ensure that the processing performed for this purpose is necessary for fulfilling our legitimate interest, and that our interest outweighs your interest in not having your personal data processed for this purpose.
Enable external research, for example by universities or other bodies. |
Contact- and identification information, payment information, information on goods/services, financial information, information about the interaction between you and Klarna, information about the interaction between you and stores, device information, and service-specific information. |
Klarna has a legitimate interest in enabling external research, and contributing to the general interest of society to support research.
We ensure that the processing performed for this purpose is necessary for fulfilling our legitimate interest, and that our interest outweighs your interest in not having your personal data processed for this purpose. |
Compliance and to protect Klarna from legal claims
Comply with applicable laws, such as anti-money laundering and bookkeeping laws, and regulatory capital adequacy requirements. |
Contact- and identification information, payment information, information on goods/services, financial information, information about the interaction between you and Klarna, information about the interaction between you and stores, device information, information from external sanction lists and PEP lists, and service-specific information. |
Comply with laws. |
Perform screening against lists of persons subject to sanctions, and lists of persons who are so called Politically Exposed Persons. |
Contact- and identification information, information from external sanction lists and PEP lists. |
Comply with laws. |
Protect Klarna from legal claims, and enforce Klarna’s legal rights. |
All of the personal data categories under Section 2. |
Klarna has a legitimate interest in protecting itself from legal claims, and in enforcing its legal rights.
We ensure that the processing performed for this purpose is necessary for fulfilling our legitimate interest, and that our interest outweighs your interest in not having your personal data processed for this purpose. |
To provide marketing
To provide marketing and offers regarding our Services to you.
You may always opt out by contacting us, see Section 13. |
Contact- and identification information, information about the interaction between you and Klarna, information about the interaction between you and stores, and service-specific information. |
Klarna has a legitimate interest in providing marketing and offers to you.
We ensure that the processing performed for this purpose is necessary for fulfilling our legitimate interest, and that our interest outweighs your interest in not having your personal data processed for this purpose. |
To decide which marketing to provide you. This processing also ceases when you opt out from receiving marketing. |
Contact- and identification information, information on goods/services, information about the interaction between you and Klarna, information about the interaction between you and stores, device information, and service-specific information. |
Klarna has a legitimate interest in deciding which marketing to provide you.
We ensure that the processing performed for this purpose is necessary for fulfilling our legitimate interest, and that our interest outweighs your interest in not having your personal data processed for this purpose. |
This Section sets out certain processing of your personal data which is specific for certain Services. To learn more about our Services, and their included features, please consult the terms and conditions of the respective Service.
4.1 Klarna’s credit Services
The following Services involve us giving you a credit: Pay later (invoice), Pay now (if it involves direct debit), Slice it, as well as Klarna Card and the one time card (both available in the Klarna App). To provide these Services, we do a credit assessment of you. The credit assessment is based on contact- and identification information you have provided, information about the interaction between you and Klarna, and financial information. The financial information includes externally obtained information from credit reference agencies, such as income and payment remarks. You can read more about our use of credit reference agencies in Section 7.4 below.
The Klarna Card and one time card
When you apply for the Klarna Card and the one time card (available in the Klarna App), Klarna conducts a credit assessment of you, as we do for our other credit Services. If you have the Klarna Card, Klarna then continuously updates our credit assessment of you based on your interactions with Klarna.
We share information about you and the purchases you make when using the Klarna card with VISA and members of the VISA card network, as far as this is necessary to carry out the card transactions, prevent fraud, and follow applicable rules. If you renew your Klarna Card or receive a new one, we will transfer this information to VISA in order for VISA to inform third parties with whom you have stored your card details (for example for recurring transactions).
If you add your Klarna Card to a digital wallet, we may need to share your data with the digital wallet provider, in line with that provider’s privacy notice.
4.2 Card Linking Service
If you link your credit- or debit card to Klarna, Klarna will receive your card details and information about the transactions you make when you use the linked card to purchase goods or services with a store participating in Klarna’s loyalty program connected to this service.
Klarna will share your card details with our service provider (Fidel Ltd) and the relevant payment card network, in order for Klarna to be able to receive transaction information for purchases made with the linked card at a participating store.
The payment card network will then monitor transactions on your linked card to determine whether you have made a purchase with a store that participates in the loyalty program, and share such transaction details with Klarna’s service provider (Fidel Ltd). The service provider will then share such transaction details with Klarna.
Klarna will review transactions you have made with participating stores, to decide whether the transactions should qualify for a reward.
4.3 Offers and event invitations posted on social media
If you have clicked on one of our offers or event invitations posted on social media, we may get access to contact information which forms part of your profile (for example your name, email address, telephone number and other relevant business information such as the name of your employer, its address, and type of business). We use this information to supply you with the requested Service, and to supply you with marketing and offers about our Services. You can always opt out from this by contacting us, see Section 13.
4.4 The Klarna user experience delivered under the Klarna Services Terms
To be able to deliver a smoooth user experience, both before and after you have done a purchase, Klarna offers the Services described below, and which are also described in more detail in the Klarna Services Terms. The use of these Services involves the following processing of your personal data:
Historical transactions
We save information about the goods/services you purchase using our Services, or otherwise choose to give us access to, in order to display this information to you.
Autofill of your contact information.
Autofill of your contact information can be done in two ways – through your interaction and / or through a cookie:
Autofill through your interaction
When you use the Services, we may ask for your contact- and identification information, such as name, address, telephone number, email, birth date and/or national ID number. We will keep this information in our systems, and when you return to us you will only need to provide some contact details such as phone number, email, zip-code, or national ID number (dependent on the country) in order for us to autofill the remaining fields with your other details.
Autofill through cookie
An additional method we may use to autofill your information is by placing cookies on your device (computer, tablet, mobile phone, etc.), which enable you to choose to save your details such as name, address, telephone number, email, date of birth, national ID number, and card details with Klarna. If you do so, we then use the cookie to fetch those details from Klarna’s systems when you use our Services with the same device. We will then autofill your details when you interact with Klarna.
Deactivation of Autofill
If you don’t want to use the autofill functionalities you can contact us to adjust your settings. You can also adjust your settings in the Klarna App directly or in the purchase process at a store. You can at any given time delete cookies on your device, which will delete our cookies as well.
Preselected preferred payment methods
Klarna can assess which payment method is your preferred way of paying when shopping, and pre select this payment method for you. This processing and presentation does not, however, affect which payment methods are available to you. For this assessment, Klarna processes information about the interaction between you and Klarna, such as information about your previously selected payment methods, purchase amount(s) and store. This processing constitutes profiling. Please see Section 6 for more information on profiling.
Offers and benefits
To be able to offer you benefits such as discounts, special events, pre-access to products, sales promotions, store offerings, sampling, giveaways, etc, we look at information about the interactions between you and Klarna (such as the number of purchases under a certain time period), your contact- and identification information, information on goods/services, and information about the interaction between you and stores. This may involve profiling. Please see Section 6 for more information on profiling.
The information will form the basis for Klarna’s marketing and customer analytics, business- and method development, as well as statistics.
Within the offers and benefits program, Klarna and Klarna’s suppliers and subcontractors (on Klarna’s behalf), may use this information to communicate with you and deliver offers and benefits, via physical mail, text messages, email, social media and other digital channels. Klarna and its suppliers and subcontractors will not use any direct marketing channel for this purpose (e.g. email or text-messages) if you have opted out from direct marketing (respectively if you have not opted in, if that is legally required in your country of residence).
You can opt out from offers and benefits either by deregistering using the link provided in each email from us, or by contacting us, see Section 13 below.
The Klarna App
If you use the Klarna App, additional personal data will be processed to provide the Services you choose to use within the Klarna App, such as;
In cases where Klarna processes your personal data based on your consent or explicit consent (for example if you submit a Power of Attorney, allowing another individual to access your data, in case you provide us information indicating that you are a vulnerable customer, or in case you upload special categories of personal data into our Services), you can at any time revoke this consent, either by contacting us or by deleting your uploaded data in the Klarna App. Revoking consent will not lead to any detriment for you, as we do not require this type of information to provide our Services.
“Profiling” means automated processing of personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to you, for example in order to analyse or predict aspects of your financial situation or your preferences, such as purchase interests. We use profiling based on the personal data we have about you in order to take individual or automated decisions about you, for the following purposes:
Decisions without legal or similarly significant effect
Klarna makes the following decisions without legal or similarly significant effects for you;
In addition, some of our Services, such as the preselected preferred payment methods, or when you connect accounts in our Klarna App, use profiling in order to deliver the applicable Service to you, for example delivering relevant financial insights to you, or to select which offers to give you, in accordance with the terms of the relevant Service.
Decisions with legal or similarly significant effect
Automated decision making with legal effects, or automated decisions with similarly significant effect, means that some decisions in our Services are solely based on automatic means, without any interaction from any of our employees, and carry with them significant impact on you as a consumer. By making such decisions in an automated fashion, Klarna increases objectivity and transparency in the decisions when offering those Services.
We use this type of automated decision making when we:
A record of any fraud or money laundering risk will be retained by the fraud prevention agencies, and may result in others refusing to provide services, financing or employment to you. If you have any questions about this, please contact us on the details in Section 13 below.
See Section 3 for further information on the types of personal data processed for these purposes.
You always have the right to challenge an automated decision which carries a legal or similarly significant effect (together with the profiling connected to it), by contacting us using the email address referred to in Section 13 below. A Klarna employee will then look at your case.
We may share your personal data with the categories of recipients listed below, for the purposes listed below. Exactly which recipients we share your personal data with, and for which purposes, will depend on which Service you use. When we share your personal data, we take all reasonable contractual, legal, technical, and organisational measures to ensure that your personal data is treated with an adequate level of protection and in accordance with applicable law.
7.1 Suppliers and subcontractors
Klarna may share personal data with the suppliers and subcontractors we use in order to provide our Services to you. Suppliers and subcontractors are companies who are only entitled to process the personal data they receive from Klarna on Klarna’s behalf. Examples of such suppliers and subcontractors are software- and data storage providers, payment processing services, and business consultants.
7.2 Stores
Klarna shares personal data with the stores you visit or purchase from. This is done in order to allow the store to execute and administer your purchase, and administer your relationship with the store, for example by verifying your identity, send you the goods, manage questions and disputes, send relevant marketing and prevent fraud. The personal data shared with a store will be subject to the store’s privacy notices and practices.
7.3 Payment service providers (“PSPs”)
PSPs provide stores and Klarna with services for accepting electronic payments through a variety of payment methods including credit card, and bank-based payments such as direct debit, bank transfers, etc. Some stores use PSPs with which they share your information. This sharing is done in accordance with the stores’ own privacy notices. Some PSPs also collect and use your information independently in accordance with their own privacy notices. This is for example the case if you use a digital wallet.
7.4 Credit reference agencies
If you apply to use a credit Service (see Section 4.1 above for a specification of our credit Services), your personal data may be shared with credit reference agencies (“CRAs”), for the following purposes: To assess your credit score in connection with your application for one of Klarna’s payment methods, to confirm your identity and your contact information, and to protect you and other customers from fraud. Your telephone number and address may also be shared with the CRA, in order for the CRA to send you a notification that it has made a credit assessment of you. Depending on the rules in the country where you live, a physical letter of notification may be sent to you if a credit check is performed, or the letter of notification may be distributed electronically.
Your payment behavior may be reported back to the CRAs by Klarna, which may affect your future credit score. When a CRA receives a credit application search from us, they will place a footprint on your credit file that will be seen by other lenders. The CRAs will share your information with other organisations. Your data will also be linked to the data of your spouse, any joint applicants or other financial associates. The CRAs with which we cooperate in United Kingdom are listed here.
The CRAs will process your data in accordance with their own privacy notices, and may also create or add details of our search and your application to their own records about you or (if applicable) your business. This and other information about you or, if applicable, your business and those with whom you are linked financially may be used to make credit decisions about you or your business.
Please note that Klarna only holds the credit assessment we receive from a CRA in a script data format. This means that you are recommended to request a copy of the assessment directly from the CRA if you would like to see a readable version.
In the United Kingdom, a limited lookup may also be conducted before you apply for one of Klarna’s payment methods, for purposes of tailoring the payment methods offered to you. Klarna may carry out a search with a CRA who will keep a record of our enquiry against your name and which may be linked to your representatives (“associated records”). For the purposes of any application for Services from us, you may be assessed with reference to “associated records”. Where any search or application is completed, or agreement entered into, involving joint parties, we may record details at CRAs. As a result an “association” will be created that will link your financial records. Details of which CRA we have used are available on request. We may also add to your or, if applicable, your business’, record with the CRAs’ details of your agreement with us, any payments you make under it, and any default or failure to keep to its terms. These records will remain on the CRAs’ files for 6 years after our agreement with you is settled or terminated, whether settled by you or, if applicable, your business or by way of default.
The identities of the CRAs, and the ways in which they use and share personal data, are explained in more detail at https://www.transunion.co.uk/crain and https://www.experian.co.uk/crain.
7.5 Fraud prevention agencies and companies that supply identity lookups
Your personal data may be shared with fraud prevention agencies and companies that supply identity lookups in order to verify your identity, the accuracy of the data you have provided us with, and to prevent criminal activities. The companies we cooperate with in the United Kingdom are listed here. Please note that these companies process your data in line with their own privacy notices.
Fraud prevention agencies can hold your personal data for different periods of time, and if you are considered to pose a fraud or money laundering risk, your data can be held for up to six years. We and fraud prevention agencies may also enable law enforcement agencies to access and use your personal data to detect, investigate and prevent crime.
7.6 Klarna group
Your information may be shared with companies within the Klarna group, based on Klarna’s legitimate interest to conduct its business.
7.7 Social media companies
If you contact us through social media such as Facebook or Twitter, your data will be recorded and processed by those companies, in accordance with their privacy notices.
7.8 A person holding a power of attorney of your affairs
Klarna will share your data with a person holding a power of attorney from you, allowing the person holding the power of attorney to receive such data. This sharing will be done based on your consent.
7.9 Authorities
Klarna may disclose necessary information to authorities such as the police, tax agencies or other authorities if we are required to do so by law, or under some circumstances if you have requested us to do so. One example of such legally required disclosures is disclosure for purposes of anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing.
There is also a requirement under UK law to withhold tax due on the payments. You will not need to do so, or take any action based on the agreement we have with the UK tax office (the HMRC), as we will disclose the necessary information to the UK tax office to support this agreement. If you have any questions regarding these arrangements, please contact the tax office.
7.10 Logistics and transportation companies
Klarna may share your information with logistics and transportation companies that deliver the goods you have ordered, if you have opted in to parcel tracking. Examples of data we share are contact- and identification information and tracking number. Please note that the logistics and transportation companies process your data in accordance with their own privacy notices.
7.11 Partners within the Personal Finance Service and the Offers and benefits program
If you choose to take part of offers and benefits which Klarna provides within the Personal Finance Service or through the Offers and benefits program, Klarna may share the personal data that is necessary to enable you to access offers made in cooperation with our partners (this includes the fact that you are a customer of Klarna). Which personal data is shared is presented in connection with every offer.
7.12 Debt Collection Agencies
Klarna may share your information when selling, or assigns to collect, unpaid debts to third parties, e.g. to debt collection agencies. This sharing of personal data is based on our legitimate interest in collecting and selling debts. The debt collection agencies may process your personal data in line with their own privacy notices, or on Klarna’s behalf.
7.13 Divestment
We always strive to process your personal data within the EU/EEA. In certain situations, such as when we share your personal data with a Klarna group company or a supplier or subcontractor located outside the EU/EEA, your personal data may however be transferred to, and processed in, a destination outside of the EU/EEA. If the store where you shop is located outside the EU/EEA, our sharing of your personal data with the store will also mean that your data is transferred outside the EU/EEA.
We ensure that an adequate level of protection is maintained, and that suitable safeguards are adopted in line with applicable data protection legislation requirements, such as the GDPR, when we transfer your data outside the EU/EEA. These safeguards consist of ensuring that the third country or state at hand is subject to an adequacy decision by the European Commission, implementing the European Commission’s standard contractual clauses or ensuring that the recipient is registered with the US Privacy Shield.
We will process your personal data for the time period needed to fulfil the respective purpose of our processing. These purposes are described in this Privacy Notice. This means that even though we stop processing your personal data for one purpose, we may still need to keep your personal data, if the data is needed for another purpose, using it only for that other purpose. In particular:
To deliver a tailored and smoooth experience, we use cookies and similar tracking technologies in our online Services. For detailed information about how Klarna uses tracking technologies, please read our Cookie Statement.
We constantly work to improve our Service offerings, in order for you to get an even smooother user experience. This includes both changes in existing Services and new Services over time. It’s therefore important that you read this Privacy Notice each time you use a Klarna Service, since the processing of your personal data can differ since you last used one of our Services.
Klarna Bank AB (publ) is registered in the Swedish companies register under the registration number 556737-0431 with our main office located at Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm, Sweden.
Klarna has a Data Protection Officer and a team of data protection specialists working solely with data protection and privacy. We also have a special team of customer service specialists for data protection matters. You can always reach them at privacy@klarna.co.uk.
Klarna Bank AB (publ) is subject to Swedish data protection legislation. Visitwww.klarna.com for further information on Klarna.
In January 2019, Klarna acquired the Retail Finance division of Close Brothers Limited. In relation to this acquisition, Klarna acquired the personal data of customers who use or have used the services of the Retail Finance division. Klarna will process this personal data in order to fulfill contractual obligations, comply with applicable laws, and in line with Klarna’s legitimate interest to conduct its business.
The personal data acquired will be processed in line with the privacy notice, in force at the time of the acquisition, and in line with applicable data protection laws. Please note that you have the rights stipulated in this Privacy Notice also for this data, for example the right to access (See Section 13). The privacy notice, in force at the time of the acquisition may be found here.
Säkra tjänster
Vi använder oss av ett teknologisk avancerat säkerhetssystem. Lika viltigt är de administrativa faktorer för att försäkra betalingar online. Våra Klarna, Paypal och Swish är ett exempel på hur vi skapar en säker e-handel för våra kunder.
En cookie är en liten textfil som sparas för att underlätta ditt nästa besök hos oss. Fledge.se använder sig också av cookies för att förbättra och förenkla ditt besök. Vi använder inte cookies till att spara personlig information eller till att offentliggöra upggifter till tredjepart.
Innehållet av denna hemsida är under copyright och tilhör Fledge.se.
Vad vi samlar in
Vi får samla in följande information:
För den uttömmande listan över cookies vi samlar, se listan över cookies vi samlar in avsnittet.
Vad vi gör med informationen vi samlar
Vi behöver denna information för att förstå dina behov och ge dig en bättre service, och särskilt av följande skäl:
Vi är fast beslutna att se till att din information är säker. För att förhindra obehörig åtkomst eller avslöjande har vi infört lämpliga fysiska, elektroniska och ledande procedurer för att skydda och säkra den information vi samlar in på nätet.
Hur vi använder cookies
En cookie är en liten fil som ber om tillåtelse att placeras på datorns hårddisk. När du är överens, läggs filen till och kakan hjälper till att analysera webbtrafik eller låter dig veta när du besöker en viss webbplats. Cookies tillåter webbapplikationer att svara på dig som individ. Webapplikationen kan skräddarsy sin verksamhet till dina behov, gillar och ogillar, genom att samla och komma ihåg information om dina preferenser.
Vi använder trafikloggkakor för att identifiera vilka sidor som används. Det hjälper oss att analysera data om webbsidor och förbättra vår hemsida för att skräddarsy den efter kundens behov. Vi använder endast denna information för statistiska analysändamål och sedan tas data bort från systemet.
Sammantaget hjälper cookies oss att ge dig en bättre webbplats, genom att vi kan övervaka vilka sidor du tycker är användbara och vilka du inte gör. En cookie ger oss inte tillgång till din dator eller någon information om dig, annat än de uppgifter du väljer att dela med oss. Du kan välja att acceptera eller avvisa cookies. De flesta webbläsare accepterar automatiskt cookies, men du kan vanligtvis ändra din webbläsarinställning för att avvisa cookies om du föredrar det. Detta kan förhindra att du utnyttjar webbplatsen fullt ut.
Länkar till andra webbplatser
Vår webbplats kan innehålla länkar till andra intressanta webbplatser. Men när du har använt dessa länkar för att lämna vår webbplats, bör du notera att vi inte har någon kontroll över den andra webbplatsen. Därför kan vi inte ansvara för skyddet och integriteten av all information som du tillhandahåller när du besöker sådana webbplatser och sådana webbplatser regleras inte av denna sekretesspolicy. Du bör vara försiktig och titta på sekretesspolicyen som gäller för webbplatsen i fråga.
Styr din personliga information
Du kan välja att begränsa insamlingen eller användningen av din personliga information på följande sätt:
Vi säljer inte, distribuerar eller hyr ut din personliga information till tredje part såvida vi inte har ditt tillstånd eller enligt lag krävs för att göra det. Vi kan använda din personliga information för att skicka dig marknadsföringsinformation om tredje part som vi tycker kan vara intressanta om du berättar att du önskar att detta ska hända.
Du kan begära uppgifter om personlig information som vi håller om dig enligt lagen om dataskydd 1998. En liten avgift kommer att betalas. Om du vill ha en kopia av informationen på dig, skriv till .
Om du tror att någon information vi håller på dig är felaktig eller ofullständig, skriv till eller maila oss så snart som möjligt på ovanstående adress. Vi kommer omedelbart att korrigera information som visat sig vara felaktig.
Lista över cookies vi samlar in
Tabellen nedan visar de cookies vi samlar in och vilken information de lagrar.
COOKIE name |
COOKIE Description |
The association with your shopping cart. |
Stores the category info on the page, that allows to display pages more quickly. |
The items that you have in the Compare Products list. |
Your preferred currency |
An encrypted version of your customer id with the store. |
An indicator if you are currently logged into the store. |
An encrypted version of the customer group you belong to. |
Stores the Customer Segment ID |
A flag, which indicates whether caching is disabled or not. |
You sesssion ID on the server. |
Allows guests to edit their orders. |
The last category you visited. |
The most recent product you have viewed. |
Indicates whether a new message has been received. |
Indicates whether it is allowed to use cache. |
A link to information about your cart and viewing history if you have asked the site. |
The ID of any polls you have recently voted in. |
Information on what polls you have voted on. |
The items that you have recently compared. |
Information on products you have emailed to friends. |
The store view or language you have selected. |
Indicates whether a customer allowed to use cookies. |
The products that you have recently viewed. |
An encrypted list of products added to your Wishlist. |
The number of items in your Wishlist. |